TDSA 3 Gun Competition
Pressure test what you have learned. Every 2nd Saturday of the month at 0900.
This competition is geared towards an urban combat environment.
This includes pistol, rifle, and shotgun.
Sign in at 0845, Shooters brief at 0900, Hammer down shortly after. Secure a spot on Practiscore. Check our Instagram page for the Event link.
Due to the Texas summer sun, hotter months start an hour earlier: 0745 sign in, 0800 brief. Check our Instagram page for alterations. CHECK PRACTISCORE TO CONFIRM
3gun Divisions: Limited, TAC OPS, Modified, Open, Heavy.
Limited: (iron sights on pistol (no comp), tube shotgun, dot or irons on rifle)
Tac Ops: (iron sights on pistol (no comp), tube shotgun, magnified optic on rifle)
Heavy: (iron sights on .45 cal pistol, pump shotgun, magnified optic on 308 rifle)
Modified: (optic slide mounted on pistol (no comp), tube shotgun, magnified optic & bipod on rifle)
Open: (dot on pistol, box fed shotgun, multiple optics & bipod on rifle)
Match fee: $40 (Cash. Please bring exact change)
Follow Sign “TDSA 3 GUN” when you get to the range.
TDSA 2 Gun Competition
Our newest competition available on the 3rd SUNDAY of each month.
This will be a 4-stage match focused on defensive shooting tactics. Engagements will test combat accuracy. This will be an opportunity to utilize your defensive gear running simulated defensive scenarios.
IDSA scoring will be used.
Firearms will be carbine (or battle rifle) and pistol. (No shotgun)
Rifle Slings required. Shooters will need a belt or plate carrier with the ability to carry 3 magazines for each platform. Suppressors are welcome. Eye and ear protection are mandatory.
Engagement distances will be CQB to 120 yards.
Round count: est. 120 rifle, 120 pistol.
Bring hydration.
Sign up begins at 07:30. $40 cash only. Pay at sign-up.
Hammer down at 08:00.
Follow Sign “TDSA 3 GUN” when you get to the range.